Monday, May 26, 2014

The Beginning.

"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears." 
                                                                            - Nelson Mandela 

Whelp, it's official! August 1st I will be moving to Honduras, Central America to volunteer at Amigos de Jesus,  a home for abused and abandoned children that is located in rural Honduras, one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. Over 60 children (and growing) call Amigos their home, school, playground, bedroom, chapel, and above all, their family. I will be living in a community of 5 volunteers and will be spending my days potentially tutoring, teaching, and coordinating their health care program.

Now, many of you might ask, why? Being here in Chicago and serving the homeless through AmeriCorps has definitely solidified my love of service and helping others. After all, as a physician, my life is dedicated to others. I will be spending day after day and double-shifts strung out on coffee helping others. So, why not now? Why wait another year? The answer is simple. When presented with an opportunity to serve in a different capacity, to learn spanish and to be more culturally competent in a foreign country, I couldn't say no. I have a little more growing to do both emotionally and spiritually... AND I'm so young! Wouldn't you want the person who is treating you to be well-versed in world affairs and life? I anticipate the impact that the children will have on me will be great and I imagine myself contributing much to their lives as well.

So, for now I leave you with this. Your life should be a projection of the hopes that you've constructed within the limitless boundaries of your mind. Fear should be kept at bay if you wish to truly live a life fulfillment and bliss. There are a million reasons that you and I can both come up with for why I shouldn't go. Money, disease, security... the list goes on. But there's just as a compelling list for why I SHOULD go. Will I allow fear to stop me? No.

I encourage you to visit Amigos de Jesus's Website and "meet" some of the wonderful children and to learn more about the organization.  I am inviting you to become a part of our Amigos de Jesus family through prayer and if possible, through financial support. If you would like to support me and my year of service with the children financially, you can either:

A.) Send a donation to the Amigos de Jesus office:
      Amigos de Jesús
      126 Woodland Avenue
      Malvern, PA 19355


B.) Visit the and click "donate now".  

*****Please include "Kelly Carreiro" in the purpose portion of your donation or write it somewhere on your check. *******

Please note that you can also donate monthly donations. Each volunteer is required to fundraise at least $2,250 and any amount that you can donate will help me reach this goal. If everyone I know donates $15, I'd be closer than you think!
Every penny of your donation will go directly to the Amigos de Jesus program and will support my year of service. None of that 20% goes to "unknown" nonsense. And, every donation is tax deductible! Throughout my journey, I will continuously update this blog and keep you posted about my adventure with Amigos. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support and please know that the children of Amigos de Jesus and I will keep you in our prayers.

Hasta pronto amigos y muchas gracias,

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